Year: 2022
Multicenter Calibration of Liver Iron Quantification
Liver iron concentration (LIC) is directly correlated with total body iron. R2* MRI enabled accurate and reproducible quantification of liver iron overload over clinically relevant ranges of liver iron concentration (LIC). The data generated in …
Congratulations to Dr. Ruiyang Zhao!
Congratulations to Ruiyang for successfully defending his dissertation titled Development and Validation of Novel Quantitative MRI Techniques in Liver. Ruiyang will be joining GE Healthcare in Houston. Here are a few of the already published papers based …
LIRP and QIML at ISMRM 2022 in London
It was a busy year for the LIRP and QIML groups at ISMRM. In addition to all the scientific and educational talks, Jitka and Thekla were selected as ISMRM Junior Fellows and Scott Reeder began …
Congratulations Dr. Nathan Roberts!
Congratulations to Nate for successfully defending his PhD dissertation titled Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Quantitative MRI in the Liver! Nate is off to join GE where he’ll continue to work on novel MRI …